Findings from a study on ‘Generation Y’ students' views and preferences about the provision of feedback during practice education


  • Caroline Hills Qualifications: MSc, GCTE, BSc(Hons), Dip. COT Current job title: Practice Education Co-ordinator Institution: School of Health Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Contact details: National University of Ireland The School of Health Sciences University Road Galway Ireland
  • Tracy Levett-Jones Qualifications: RN, PhD,MEd & Work, BN, DipAppSc(Nursing) Current job title: Director of the Research Centre for Health Professional Education, Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning) Institution: School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Newcastle. Contact details: The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia
  • Helen Warren-Forward Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD, MACPSEM Current job title: Associate Professor Institution: School of Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle Contact details: The School of Health Sciences The University of Newcastle Callaghan University Drive NSW 2308 Australia
  • Samuel Lapkin Qualifications: RN, BN Hons (1st Class), PhD Current job title: Lecturer Institution: Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney Contact details: Faculty of Health University of Technology Sydney 235-253 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia



Australia, Occupational Therapy, Feedback, Learning, Students, Universities


Introduction: Feedback is central to learning for students whilst on practice education and has been identified by students as one aspect of quality placements. ‘Generation Y’  students have been reported as preferring praise in feedback and in occupational therapy, students classified as ‘Generation Y’ have been reported as having difficulty accepting critical feedback in practice education. This study aimed at seeking one group of ‘Generation Y’ students’ views and preferences in regards to quality feedback in practice education.

Method: After ethical approval, students from one occupational therapy program in an Australian university were invited to participate in a semi structured interview to explore their learning preferences in practice education regarding feedback.

Results: Twenty two student interviews were completed. After thematic analysis, 4 themes were generated, these included ‘feedback is important for student learning’, ‘student preferences on the provision of feedback’, ‘when to provide feedback’ and ‘the role of the team in providing feedback’.

Conclusion: Participants reported that feedback should be regular and consistent as it is important for insight into their level of proficiency. Immediate explicit feedback was highly valued when it identified areas for improvement, preferring this to praise, which is contrary to the purported preference of ‘Generation Y’ students. Participants also valued protected supervision time for feedback, feedback from the multidisciplinary team and an opportunity to self-evaluate prior to receiving feedback. Recommendations are made for methods and approaches to feedback which would be informative to practice educators and those that deliver preparatory courses for practice educators in universities.

Author Biographies

  • Caroline Hills, Qualifications: MSc, GCTE, BSc(Hons), Dip. COT Current job title: Practice Education Co-ordinator Institution: School of Health Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Contact details: National University of Ireland The School of Health Sciences University Road Galway Ireland

    Practice education co-ordinator


  • Tracy Levett-Jones, Qualifications: RN, PhD,MEd & Work, BN, DipAppSc(Nursing) Current job title: Director of the Research Centre for Health Professional Education, Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning) Institution: School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Newcastle. Contact details: The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia
    Professor of Nursing
  • Helen Warren-Forward, Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD, MACPSEM Current job title: Associate Professor Institution: School of Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle Contact details: The School of Health Sciences The University of Newcastle Callaghan University Drive NSW 2308 Australia
    Associate Professor
  • Samuel Lapkin, Qualifications: RN, BN Hons (1st Class), PhD Current job title: Lecturer Institution: Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney Contact details: Faculty of Health University of Technology Sydney 235-253 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia
    Lecturer in Nursing


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How to Cite

Findings from a study on ‘Generation Y’ students’ views and preferences about the provision of feedback during practice education. (2016). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 17(2), 32-47.