A primer on participatory research for health professional education


  • Julie Paxino The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Walter Eppich The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Joanne Bolton The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Robyn Woodward-Kron The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Charlotte Denniston The University of Melbourne, Australia




participatory research; research design; co-researchers; methodology; collaborative research


Participatory research methodologies are gaining traction in health professional education research (HPER) due to their ability to foster collaboration and inclusivity with communities involved in or affected by the issues being studied. This paper provides an introduction for researchers new to participatory research in HPER. It aims to guide researchers in the thoughtful integration of participatory methods into their research practices. We define participatory research as a diverse approach that engages health professionals, students, patients and other community members as co-researchers actively involved in shaping the research process. Drawing on examples from the field, we explore the potential benefits of participatory research, including the co-production of knowledge, improved relevance of findings and enhanced impact on practice. However, we also acknowledge the complexities and challenges, including the need for researcher flexibility, ethical considerations and appropriate levels of participation, depending on project goals and funding constraints. To support researchers, we outline key questions that prompt critical deliberation when considering participatory approaches. Ultimately, this paper encourages researchers to reflect on the epistemic shifts required to adopt participatory methodologies and to consider how these approaches can foster more inclusive, collaborative and meaningful contributions to health professional education and research.


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How to Cite

Paxino, J., Eppich, W., Bolton, J., Woodward-Kron, R., & Denniston, C. (2024). A primer on participatory research for health professional education. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 25(3), 121–132. https://doi.org/10.11157/fohpe.v25i3.860



Focus on Methodology