Improving knowledge of quality and safety among general and acute care medicine advanced trainees through a brief quality improvement workshop


  • Ar Kar Aung Alfred Health, Australia; Monash University, Australia
  • Mary-Ann Ryall Central Coast Local Health District, Australia; University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Sarah Davis Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local Health District, Australia
  • Aditi Shukla South Western Sydney Local Health District, Australia
  • Anne Knight Hunter New England Local Health District, Australia; University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Jennifer Lee New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine, United States of America



Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand, quality improvement, quality and safety, medical education


Introduction: Quality and safety is a core competency, yet there are limited formalised quality improvement (QI) courses for physician trainees offered in Australia.

Methods: An introductory QI workshop was conducted for trainees at the Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (IMSANZ) Conference 2022. The workshop covered principles of improvement science, QI tools and plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles. The contents were delivered through a small-group experiential learning format. Pre- and post-workshop surveys were administered to evaluate the participants’ perceptions and improvement in QI knowledge domains.

Results: Thirty-five trainees attended the workshop. Of all respondents, none had received formal QI training previously. Statistically significant improvements in nearly all QI knowledge domains were noted in the post-workshop evaluation along with improvement in participants’ motivation to further learn QI processes relevant to their vocation.

Conclusion: An introductory workshop can significantly improve knowledge and motivation to further learn QI amongst physician trainees.


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Short Report

How to Cite

Improving knowledge of quality and safety among general and acute care medicine advanced trainees through a brief quality improvement workshop. (2024). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 25(1), 69-77.