Developing palliative care skills in undergraduate allied health students using an interprofessional simulation-based learning experience
simulation, simulation-based learning, interprofessional, students palliative care, end of lifeAbstract
Introduction: There is a growing need to prepare the health workforce to work collaboratively to meet the needs of people affected by life-limiting illness. Despite the call from industry for the inclusion of palliative care in undergraduate curriculum, there are few established methods to deliver this education for interprofessional student cohorts. Where clinical experience options are limited, the simulation-based learning experience (SBLE) offers a valuable experiential learning opportunity in the preparation of students to care for dying patients and their families. This research aims to examine the impact of SBLE on the level of allied health students' confidence in delivering palliative care.
Methods: A quasi-experimental, pre-test/post-test design was used with 11-point rating scales to measure the change in levels of self-reported confidence in knowledge, providing care, preparedness, management and assessment of need, and professional and ethical practice among allied health students who participated in either a face-to-face or an online palliative care SBLE.
Results: A total of 130 students participated in the SBLE in 2019 and 2020. A paired-sample t-test showed improvement post simulation, with mean differences ranging from 2.87 [95% CI 2.45–3.29] for knowledge to 3.2 [95% CI 2.79–3.60] for confidence. All categories were statistically significant (p < .05). Analysis of opened-ended questions indicated that after the simulation, students recognised the importance of a holistic focus and patient-centred care model.
Conclusions: The SBLE improved levels of student perceived confidence for the delivery of palliative care. Educators are encouraged to use SBLE to support the development of graduate capabilities in palliative care in allied health students.
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