The role of Communities of Practice in improving practice in Indigenous health and education settings: A systematic review
Aboriginal people, health practitioner, teaching, mentoring circle, continuing professional development, qualitative researchAbstract
Introduction: Several workforce development strategies have been developed to improve practice in Indigenous health and education settings. These programs are often not implemented well, and as a result, they don’t have the intended effect on Indigenous health and education outcomes. Building capability of the health and education workforce is critical to improving health and education outcomes for Indigenous Peoples. Interventions that foster communities of practice are effective at influencing practice in various sectors, however no systematic reviews have investigated the impact of communities of practice in Indigenous health or education settings.
Methods: This systematic review investigates the role of communities of practice in supporting existing workforce development strategies in Indigenous health and education settings. Seven databases were searched in 2019 and again in 2020. Data synthesis was through thematic analysis.
Results: Eleven qualitative studies were included. Most community of practice interventions were situated in education settings. Interventions that foster community of practice can successfully include both Indigenous and non-Indigenous health and education professionals, allowing them to share personal stories, knowledge and resources and engage in personal and group reflection. This supports them to develop culturally responsive health and education tools, assessments and strategies and, therefore, may play a role in improving Indigenous health and education outcomes.
Conclusion: Participation in communities of practice coupled with increased training and teaching about Indigenous culture may play a role in improving practice of Indigenous health and education professionals. Further research is required to determine what impact this has on Indigenous Peoples.
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