Nurses’ experiences in a rural interprofessional simulation course
Key words, Registered nurse, Rural healthcare, Inter-professional education, SimulationAbstract
Introduction: The Rural Inter-Professional Simulation Course (RiSC) in New Zealand is a 3-day immersive course that brings rural doctors and nurses together to practise emergency and trauma skills using workshops and a simulation-enhanced interprofessional experience (SEIPE). The course aims to increase practitioners’ psychomotor skills, communication, teamwork and leadership skills through simulation-based learning and translate this into the management of trauma in rural settings.
Methods: This study employed an exploratory, descriptive design to explore transfer of learning from RiSC into clinical practice 8 months post course participation. Six registered nurses who participated in RiSC took part in semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interviews were analysed using a general inductive approach.
Results: The nurses valued the learning experience in RiSC and used the skills they learnt in clinical practice, however factors such as their perception of the authenticity of the scenario and performance anxiety impacted the SEIPE. The nurses also observed interprofessional dynamics playing out during the SEIPE.
Conclusions: RiSC is effective for rural trauma team training, however some aspects of the use of simulation in interprofessional education could be further enhanced.
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