A collaborative approach to engaging undergraduate students in learning and developing evidence-based practice





evidence-based practice, quality improvement, quality assurance, interprofessional


Background: Students often have difficulty engaging with evidenced-based practice (EBP) courses that are largely theoretical and lack clinical relevance. This may result in graduates lacking vital skills to critique practice and participate in quality improvement.

Approach: This paper describes the development and implementation of a collaborative academic and healthcare industry-based course that linked theoretical aspects of EBP. Students undertook a quality improvement project during clinical practice experience. Course assessments were designed to provide feedback on the progression of projects, the integration of theoretical and practical aspects of EBP and dissemination of findings.

Conclusions: The course required substantial collaboration between the university and industry partners to identify clinically relevant projects and coordinate academic and clinical mentorship to support the students. The course demonstrated a significant level of clinical and academic partnership that resulted in relevant clinical quality improvements and increased student engagement with learning about, producing and implementing EBP. 

Author Biographies

  • Nigel Lee, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work. The University of Queensland
    Nigel's background is in Midwifery. He has a keen interest in educating future midwives and nurses about EBP and undertaking his clinical research.
  • Jacqueline Jauncey-Cooke, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work. The University of Queensland
    Clinical background as a registered nurse with a specific focus on paediatric critical care and mechanical ventilation. Currently Program Lead for the Masters of Nursing Studies program at the University of Queensland. Interested in simulation, teaching EBP and implementing evidence around placement and nursing graduate years.


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Short Report

How to Cite

A collaborative approach to engaging undergraduate students in learning and developing evidence-based practice. (2023). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 24(1), 63-68. https://doi.org/10.11157/fohpe.v24i1.575