Blockbuster videos: Using complementary video-based learning to augment first-year block-model teaching
video-based learning, student engagement, block model, health professional education, mixed-methods research, intensive learningAbstract
Introduction: The first year of university is fraught with obstacles and challenges for students. Of particular concern is the often high level of student disengagement encountered at this juncture. Consequently, universities are reimagining what their first-year student experience can be like. The aims of this study were to, firstly, investigate the effects that complementary video-based practical skills resources have on first-year osteopathy student engagement and, secondly, if these effects differ in block-model when compared to traditional-model delivery format.
Methods: This study utilised a two-part mixed-method sequential exploratory design consisting of a quantitative and qualitative survey and focus-group interviews. The quantitative data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, while the qualitative data were thematically analysed.
Results: The results demonstrated that the majority of students found the video-based learning (VBL) activities to have an overall positive effect on their learning experience and that VBL improved their perceived psychomotor skill acquisition. Furthermore, the reported positive responses appear to be enhanced in an intensive block-model setting.
Conclusion: VBL appears to be a useful tool for clinical skills training in an intensive-style tertiary education setting. Further research should be performed to see if this effect is seen across other health professions courses.
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