The transformation of a student-led health clinic in rural Australia from a face-to-face service to a telehealth model: Evaluation of student and client experiences during a COVID 19 driven transition
Interprofessional, service learning, clinical placement, eHealth, telehealthAbstract
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the rapid transition of many face-to-face health services to alternate modes of service delivery. The objective of this study was to explore the benefits, challenges and perceived quality of a telehealth service delivery model from the perspective of clients and students. Further, students’ perceptions relating to the quality of the educational experience were also explored.
Methods: The study was set in a student-led interprofessional health and wellness clinic in rural Queensland, Australia. A qualitative case study design was used, including semi-structured student interviews and client open-response survey data. Participants were nursing and allied health students who completed a student-led interprofessional clinic placement and adults with low to rising risk of chronic disease who attended the clinic for telehealth delivered services.
Results: Themes identified following analysis included: new or adapted skills needed for success; challenges, limitations and the need for resources, training and support; quality interprofessional education experiences can be achieved in telehealth; coming away with a new set of skills; the important role of the client for success; and benefits and disadvantages of telehealth for clients.
Conclusions: The findings support that telehealth-based service-learning models are a feasible way to deliver health and wellness services from the perspective of students and clients and provide students with important skills for rural health service delivery.
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