The continuous feedback model: Enabling student contribution to curriculum evaluation and development


  • Leigh Hale University of Otago
  • Divya Bharatkumar Adhia University of Otago



curriculum, feedback, physiotherapy


Introduction: Evaluation of curriculum is essential to its development. Typically, curriculum evaluations are conducted by end-of-course questionnaires, often resulting in a lengthy delay in implementing improvements that no longer affect the students who completed the evaluation. This study investigated a continuous real-time curricula feedback model as a novel method more appropriate for simultaneous evaluation and improvement of our integrated physiotherapy courses than typical end-of-course evaluation.

Methods: A mixed methods design involving concurrent qualitative (focus group interviews, anonymous comments in a “suggestion” box, qualitative survey comments) and quantitative (survey) approaches was used to regularly collect staff (n = 20) and students’ (n = 127) perceptions of a full-year course. Quantitative data were analysed descriptively, and qualitative responses were collated and categorised. The analysed data were fed back to staff and students in the form of a feedback report sent out via email after each module. The report incorporated a summary of the results and the changes to be actioned within the next module.

Results: We found the new model to be helpful and liked by both staff and students. Students liked that they could see change as a result of their feedback. Staff felt it should be used in conjunction with the typical end-of-course evaluation, although they found the periodic student feedback reports helpful.

Conclusions: The continuous feedback model, although it does not eliminate the need for a formal end-of-year quantitative evaluation, did provide useful qualitative information, a safe environment for student feedback and the opportunity to correct issues in the curriculum as they arise.

Author Biographies

  • Leigh Hale, University of Otago
    School of Physiotherapy.
  • Divya Bharatkumar Adhia, University of Otago
    School of Physiotherapy.


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How to Cite

The continuous feedback model: Enabling student contribution to curriculum evaluation and development. (2022). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 23(1), 17-36.