Speech pathology students’ perceived learning outcomes following participation in a fluency booster program
clinical education, speech pathology, students, stuttering, fluency disordersAbstract
Introduction: Intensive fluency programs are a service delivery option for adults and adolescents who stutter and can act as clinical education opportunities for speech pathology students. Previous research established that student participation in a five day intensive fluency program resulted in increased student confidence, knowledge and interest while decreasing student anxiety. Though effective, this service delivery model is time and resource intensive for students and clients alike. The aim of this study was to investigate students’ levels of confidence, knowledge, interest and anxiety pre- and post-participation in a shorter, two day intensive fluency booster program.
Methods: Participants in this study were speech pathology students at an XXXX university. This mixed methods study used pre- and post-program Likert scale surveys to explore students’ perceptions of their learning. In addition, students’ general perceptions of the program were examined through responses to open-ended questions. Quantitative results were analysed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and results of the qualitative data were analysed using content analysis.
Results: Data was obtained from 68 students. Statistically significant changes (p<.001) were observed on all surveyed items of confidence, knowledge, interest and anxiety. In their responses to open-ended questions, students reported that the booster program was well-structured, offered supported learning opportunities and a valued means to interact with clients who stutter. Recommendations for program improvements were noted.
Conclusion: Results from this study indicate that a two day fluency booster program may be an appropriate clinical learning opportunity for speech pathology students.
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