Focus on Methodology: Eliciting rich data: A practical approach to writing semi-structured interview schedules




qualitative methods, interviewing, semi-structured interview schedules


One of the aims of qualitative research is to seek deeper understandings of the human experience. Semi-structured interviews are one of the most common methods used to achieve this purpose. However, novices may find it difficult to write interview schedules that elicit the type of thick, rich description that forms the foundation of qualitative inquiry. This paper provides a practical approach to writing semi-structured interview schedules that use events as the basic building blocks of the interview. This approach suggests three steps: (1) considering which core event or series of events illustrate phenomena of interest, (2) ordering questions to optimise an intuitive and conversational flow and (3) refining the schedule through a series of review and piloting.


Author Biography

  • Margaret Bearman, Deakin University
    Margaret Bearman is an Associate Professor within the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University. She holds a first class honours degree in computer science and a PhD in medical education. Over the course of her career in health professional and higher education, Margaret written over 100 publications (published and in press), and regularly publishes in the highest ranked journals in her fields. She has received over $7.5 million in research and development funding over the course of her career, including co-leading the Improving assessment: understanding educational decision-making in practice grant from the Office for Learning and Teaching (Category 1) and academic lead on the project From trainee to GP: The role of feedback in promoting progression to independence from the Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Recognition for her work, includes Program Innovation awards from the Australian Office of Learning and Teaching and Simulation Australasia.  Margaret’s interests include: assessment and feedback; simulation and digital technologies; sociomateriality; and educational workforce development.


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Focus on Methodology

How to Cite

Focus on Methodology: Eliciting rich data: A practical approach to writing semi-structured interview schedules. (2019). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 20(3), 1-11.