Health professional student attitudes towards teamwork, roles and values in interprofessional practice: The influence of an interprofessional activity


  • Joanne Connaughton The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Susan Edgar The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Heidi Waldron The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Chris Adams The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Jane Courtney The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Michelle Katavatis The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Angela Alessandri The University of Notre Dame Australia



interprofessional education, interdisciplinary communication, educational model


Introduction: Logistical difficulties associated with timetabling interprofessional education (IPE) in multiple entry-level health professional programs requires adopting new and innovative models. This study evaluated whether a 2-hour IPE workshop can impact students’ perceptions of teamwork, professional roles, values and communication.

Method: Medical, physiotherapy and nursing students (n = 430) reviewed a case study and discussed roles, responsibilities and communication between healthcare professionals. Students were invited to participate in research by completing pre and post surveys comprising 12 statements based on the teamwork, roles and responsibilities and interprofessional biases questions from the Interprofessional Attitude’s Scale (IPAS). Data from IPAS were entered into SPSS and analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: All student groups demonstrated a positive attitude pre activity with an overall statistically significant improvement in pre- and post-activity scores (z = -8.568, p < 0.001, medium to large effect size (r = 0.47), pre workshop Md = 45 to post workshop Md = 46.5). Students identified the activity as relevant to them for learning more about their professional roles, communication, values and teamwork.

Conclusions: A 2-hour workshop can be effective in influencing students’ attitudes towards IPE. Inclusion of a team activity promotes discussion on cooperation, coordination and accountability. Using a case study of a patient whose condition deteriorates as a result of poor communication enables students to explore the value of thier own and other professions roles and responsibilities as well as interprofessional communication.

A case-study-based IPE activity is effective in influencing students' attitudes towards interprofessional communication and teamwork and developing a better understanding of their own and one another's roles in patient care.


Author Biographies

  • Joanne Connaughton, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Professor Joanne Connaughton is the Dean of the School of Physiotherapy at The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Susan Edgar, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Susan Edgar is Associate Dean of the School of Physiotherapy at the The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Heidi Waldron, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Dr Heidi Waldon is Senior Lecturer in School of Medicine at The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Chris Adams, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Chris is Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Jane Courtney, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Professor Jane Courtney is Associate Dean of SChool of Medicine at The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Michelle Katavatis, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Michelle is Learning and Teaching Coordinator in the SChool of Nursing and Midwifrey at The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Angela Alessandri, The University of Notre Dame Australia
    Associate Professor Angela Alessandri in the School of Medicine at The University of Notre Dame Australia


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How to Cite

Health professional student attitudes towards teamwork, roles and values in interprofessional practice: The influence of an interprofessional activity. (2019). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 20(1), 8-18.