Usage and effects of a lecture recording system on study behaviours of preclinical medical students in Thailand
lecture recording, study behaviours, medical students, preclinical studyAbstract
Background: Many medical schools provide a lecture recording system (LRS) to allow students to view or review lectures on demand. The investigators examined how many students used an LRS and whether there is any difference in students’ study behaviours between subjects with and without an LRS.
Methods: The investigators conducted a survey among third-year preclinical medical students in a large medical school in Thailand. The questionnaire contained three parts: (1) demographic data, (2) students’ use of LRS and (3) study behaviours of students—using a modified version of the Study Behaviours Inventory (SBI-HS), to compare subjects with and without an LRS.
Results: We received 101 completed questionnaires (33% response rate). Ninety-five percent of survey respondents used the LRS, with 51% using the LRS less than 2 hours per day and 49% more than 2 hours per day. When combining scores from all items, there was no significant difference in students’ overall study behaviours between subjects with and without an LRS, t(85) = -0.77, p = 0.44. However, nine individual items showed significant differences between subjects, with eight of nine showing better study behaviours for subjects with an LRS than those without an LRS.
Conclusion: Many preclinical students used an LRS regularly. The presence of an LRS was not associated with significant changes in students’ study behaviours.
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