“Let’s not reinvent the wheel”: A qualitative investigation of collaboration in the Australian GP education and training sector
e-learning, collaboration, medical education, general practice trainingAbstract
Introduction: E-learning collaboration in the Australian GP education and training sector represents one way to improve sustainability, innovation and reuse of existing data sources. However, few collaborative e-learning projects are currently undertaken within the sector, with previous joint ventures resulting in variable success. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of increased e-learning collaboration, with specific focus on exploration of the beliefs and perceptions of key stakeholders within the GP education and training sector.
Methods: A total of 78 personnel and 16 CEOs participated in focus groups and interviews held at training sites across Australia. Independent and group qualitative analysis was used to derive key themes.
Results: Six key themes related to e-learning collaboration were identified: benefits of e-learning collaboration, maintaining focus on educational outcomes, competitiveness within the RTP sector, individual identity and regional differences, establishing relationships and enablers to promoting collaboration.
Conclusions: Considerable goodwill and enthusiasm towards collaboration exists within the sector. Congruent with established literature regarding collaboration, key recommendations are detailed for the advancement of prospective collaborative e-learning projects, including a need for early and ongoing stakeholder engagement, a focus on educational outcomes, respect for matters of individual identity and consideration of regional differences.
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