Understanding how pharmacy, occupational therapy and nursing-midwifery students utilise lectures as learning opportunities: A mixed methods study informing post-COVID-19 pandemic return to campus
lecture attendance, nursing students, midwifery students, occupational therapy students, pharmacy students, educationAbstract
Introduction: Many universities switched to distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As universities move to a post-COVID-19 normal, it is important for educators to be aware of what factors influence learners’ face-to-face lecture attendance. This study investigated what factors impacted nursing-midwifery, pharmacy and occupational therapy students’ pre-COVID-19 lecture attendance.
Methods: Using a positivist mixed-methods approach, third-year nursing-midwifery (n = 350), pharmacy (n = 24) and occupational therapy (n = 42) students completed a survey with quantitative and open-ended questions that asked students about what factors influenced them to attend and not attend face-to-face lectures. T-tests and Spearman correlations were used to analyse the quantitative data. A qualitative inductive approach was used to code the open-ended questions response data into themes.
Results: Occupational therapy and pharmacy students were more positive about the lectures in their programs than nursing-midwifery students. They also valued lecture quality and style more than nursing-midwifery students, who valued a convenient schedule. All three student cohorts valued engaging and enthusiastic lecturers and reported similar reasons for lecture attendance regarding the physical learning environment, other life- and work-related time commitments and the commuting distance to campus.
Conclusions: While there was agreement on many factors affecting lecture attendance across the three student cohorts, occupational therapy and pharmacy students placed more value on lecture style and presentation, whilst nursing-midwifery students placed more importance on when lectures were scheduled. These results have and will inform factors to consider regarding on campus lecture attendance post-COVID.
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